Kapp Singer’s website


Some of my writing...

Academic Essays

“Media against the Fire, or How to Secure the Forest for the Trees” Thresholds, no. 51, Apr. 2023 [peer-reviewed]
“Stuck in the Sphere: The (Un)Democratic Google Maps Panorama” Pidgin, no. 28, Dec. 2020 [editor-reviewed]

Reporting and Reviews

“Retelling Resistance” [on the Amistad revolt] New Haven Arts Paper, May 2024.
“Water Is in the Air” [on rivers, floods, and wells] New Haven Arts Paper, May 2024.
“Frankensteins and 5-over-1s” [on two housing typologies] New Haven Arts Paper, Apr. 2024.
“Anything More Than Doom and Gloom?” [on Escaped Alone by Caryl Churchill] New Haven Arts Paper, Mar. 2024.
“East Rock Breads Rises on State Street” New Haven Arts Paper, Mar. 2024.
“Confronting the Everyday with Bananas and Buttons“ [on Howard el-Yasin] New Haven Arts Paper, Jan. 2024.
“Mediation & Allusion in Doron Wolf's ‘My Family & Other Animals’” New Haven Arts Paper, Dec. 2023
“If It Ain’t Broke, Break It” [on Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris] BR!NK: A Review of Books, Mar. 2023
“Is New York’s New Subway Map a ‘Geographical Mess’?” Bloomberg Citylab, Nov. 2020

Archive of my 60+ pieces for the New Haven Arts Paper.



I’m a journalist and bike mechanic living in New Haven, Connecticut. Contact me at singerkapp [at] gmail [dot] com.